
Eric Rosati graduated in osteopathy, Chinese medicine, energy medicine and founder of the Isoposturale method.

With more than 25 years of professional experience, I searched for more than 10 years for a way to relieve my patients.

Since then, my enthusiasm for this energy approach has grown and led me to train in other techniques such as homeopathy, herbal medicine, Chinese medicine...

This vibratory vision of diseases has allowed me to better understand the mechanisms of pathologies and especially to provide more effective and more sustainable care.

The only motivation in developing this method is to provide my patients with the best possible care.

Frequency therapy applications have been developed over decades of research by therapists and scientists.

Numerous studies and decades of experience show the safety of this form of treatment.

Science and practice


Healthy cells in healthy bodies

A cell is the smallest building block of every organ in your body. You have about 70 trillion in your body, so 70 million million. The number of cells in your body is 4,000 times greater than the world's population!

Cells are of course specialized according to their purpose, but the basic "model" of the cell is always the same (in plants, by the way, very similar to animals and humans).


DNA as a model

Every cell in your body has the same pattern, which is written into the DNA.

Each of your cells contains this complete model for all the other cells in the body, each cell has a data memory which corresponds to approximately 2 gigabytes.

Only about 3% of these resources are used to store genetic information.


The cell nucleus

The structure and inner workings of your cells are largely the same.

The cell nucleus is the boss, the mitochondria are the powerhouses, ATP is the energy storage, the endoplasmic reticulum is the gut, the Golgi apparatus is the enzyme producer, and the cell membrane is the envelope external that holds everything together.

Each of your cells has its own metabolism: water, nutrients and oxygen have to go in, metabolic products have to go out.


Cellular metabolism

Everyone is well aware of how water and nutrients are transported and how metabolic products are flushed out.

In cells, this transit takes place through openings on the surface called the cell membrane.

These "valves" in the cell membrane open and close as needed. This mechanism is based on the potential difference, i.e. the voltage difference between the interior of the cell and the intercellular space.


Frequency Application

As we have just mentioned, the transport of substances in and out of the cell takes place by means of magnetically controlled valves.

The voltage potential, i.e. the voltage difference between the cell interior and the cell space, is responsible for healthy (physiological) cell metabolism.

We believe this mechanism explains why frequency therapy is a method that can be used for many different disorders.


Cellular Bio Energy programs are intended to promote well-being through the harmonization of the bio-energetic field. We conducted non-randomized before/after studies with randomized controlled groups of participants. These studies show that participants' well-being improved after listening to our frequencies. We attribute this phenomenon to the harmonization of the bio-energetic field, which we call the energetic flow of life, traditionally called chi (or qi) and prana.

Cellular Bio Energy programs are not medical applications. They are designed to provide lasting relief. The terms used in the programs do not constitute statements regarding their effects.

Cellular Bio Energy programs should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Such advice should always be sought from a qualified healthcare professional.